L’oracle est un merveilleux outil pour faire ses premiers pas dans le monde de la médiumnité et de la communication avec l’au-delà.
Cette formation est conçue pour les débutants tout comme pour les gens à la spiritualité plus développée. Si vous sentez un appel, si vous avez une forte intuition, mais qu’il vous manque de la confiance en vous, ou bien si vous êtes curieux tout simplement, ce cours vous permettra d’apprendre comment recevoir des messages et communiquer avec l’au-delà via le support des cartes oracles. Ce cours s’adresse à quiconque est intéressé à développer son intuition et sa clairvoyance, à travailler avec la Lumière et à recevoir des enseignements de l’au-delà.

Anyone wishing to learn to interpret the divine messages received through oracle card games. No previous experience or training is necessary.
♦ What is Spirituality? ♦ Families of souls, angels and archangels, wandering souls and the lower astral ♦ Free will ♦ Energy and the vibratory rate ♦ The chakras ♦ Good intentions, good energy, good dispositions ♦ Before a session: prepare physically and mentally ♦ Before a session, prepare spiritually: meditation and rooting ♦ Protection: purification of oneself and the room, Reiki energy, stones ♦ What are oracle cards? ♦ Difference between tarot and oracle cards ♦ The different types of decks and themes ♦ How to choose a deck ♦ How to purify a deck before its use ♦ Manipulations and transfers of energy ♦ Difference between the personal draw and the draw for an applicant ♦ To start a session ♦ Interpretation of cards ♦ Symbolism ♦ Ending a session
around 4 hours
ZOOM online virtual course with live Instructor
You will be provided a WORD manual and a Certificate upon completion.
You will be provided with lifetime access and support through our Facebook page INFINITE KI.
À propos de la lecture de Cartes Oracle

The time and practice of reading oracle cards will lead you to lift the veil of the earth plane, improve your intuition and awaken your faculties of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Unlike tarot, oracle cards are subject to far fewer rules, and instead use intuition and symbolism to express divine messages.
This technique must still respect a certain protocol and not be used lightly. Reading oracle cards is beneficial for spiritual growth, through the teachings received from the beyond through the cards, but it can also help to get through trials and bring solutions and comfort in difficult times in life. It is an excellent tool for beginners, due to its simplicity, accessibility and benevolence.